EEA project with Slovakia

EEA project with Slovakia

  • Project Name: Educational Meetings on Norwegian Policy and Government
  • Start Date: May 27th, 2024
  • Date of Completion: June 31st, 2024
  • Project Type: Good Governance and Cross-border Cooperation Programme Funded under the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanism
  • Project Topic(s): Women empowerment, women peace and security, gender equality

The project aims to establish connections and carry out educational activities regarding inclusive processes in government. Norway is a leader in implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, while Slovakia still needs to improve in embodying this plan. Participants explored the concept of Women, Peace, and Security, with a special emphasis on Norway's highlighting of the crucial role women play in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and societal stability. They also covered gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence from the Norwegian perspective.

During a three-day program, five participants from Slovakia engaged in educational meetings and study tours of key institutions based in Oslo. The mobility program included a visit to the Nobel Peace Center, a guided tour of Deichman Library, an educational meeting at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO), and attendance at a conference at the University of Oslo.

After completing all activities, participants were able to adopt best practices in inclusion, human rights, and addressing gender issues from the Norwegian government's perspective, as well as deepen their knowledge regarding Resolution 1325. They also brainstormed and developed new ideas and cooperation projects on these topics for implementation in their home country.


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